
AICTE Approval Norms

How to start Engineering College, Polytechnic, Pharmacy, Management, Architect Institute From AICTE?

AICTE Approval Process for setting up New Technical Institute

Professional Technical education has grown leaps and bounds in India over the last decade. Every year, hundreds of new institutes are set up in different parts of the country, offering professional courses such as Engineering, Management, Pharmacy, Hotel Management etc. Lakhs of students apply for these courses each year and are willing to pay a fortune for quality education.

A significant milestone was laid down in the history of education in India in the year 2012, when Government allowed private and public companies with a turnover of at least Rs 100 crore per year over a 3-year period, to establish their institutes to cater to the increasing demand for these courses. The companies can set up new technical institution in engineering and technology, pharmacy, architecture and town planning and hotel management catering technology. This move of the Government is encouraging more and more companies to venture into the Education sector.
If you are aspiring to set up your own technical institute offering courses stated above, you must seek approval from All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) as per the process laid down in its handbook. In this article, we will summarize the approval process and also list down all important documents which are mandatory to be submitted to AICTE. To begin with, we will briefly explain AICTE and its functions.

All India Counil for Technical Education is a national-level advisory body which grants approval for starting new technical institutions, for introduction of new courses and for variation in intake capacity in technical institutions. It was set up in 1945 and given statutory status in 1987 by an Act of Parliament for regulating and developing technical education in the country.

AICTE ensures quality development of technical education through accreditation of technical institutions. It has the authority to lay down norms and standards for such institutions. In additional to its regulatory role, the AICTE also has a promotional role which it implements through schemes for promoting technical education for women, handicapped and weaker section of the society promoting innovations, faculty, research and development, giving grants to technical institutions.

AICTE covers technical institutions offering post-graduate, under-graduate and diploma in various dimensions of technical education covering engineering/technology, pharmacy, architecture, hotel management and catering technology, management studies computer applications and applied arts and crafts.

  1. New Technical Institute offering technical education shall not be established and / or started without prior approval of the Council.
  2. Management Program and or MCA Program as Institutes shall be allowed to be built on an existing Engineering/Technology/Pharmacy/ Architecture/Hotel Management and Catering Technology Institute provided minimum land required is met.
  3. Technical Institute shall be approved when it is on one continuous plot of land except for those in North Eastern states where it can spread into 3 pieces of land not far from each other by more than 1 Km.

Applicant shall present following supporting documents in original along with one copy, duly attested by a gazetted officer or a first class Judicial Magistrate or Notary or an Oath Commissioner and other necessary information to the Scrutiny Committee/ Expert Committee/ LOA:

Documents to be submitted at the time of scrutiny Committee as per APH 2018-19

Applicant shall present following supporting documents in original along with one copy, duly selfattested and other necessary information to the Scrutiny Committee. As per Affidavit4 supporting documents other than Affidavits shall be made and duly authenticated by the authorized signatory of Applicant or by the Head of the Institution.

  1. Building plan of the Institution should have been prepared by an Architect registered with Council of Architecture and approved by the Competent Authority as designated by concerned State Government / UT.
  2. An affidavit4, in a Format as prescribed on the Web-Portal , on a Non-Judicial Stamp /e-Stamp Paper of Rs. 100/-, duly sworn before a First Class Judicial Magistrate or Notary or an Oath Commissioner.
  3. Resolution by the applicant organization in a Format13 as prescribed on the Web-Portal
  4. In Metro and Mega Cities, Certificate of Occupancy/ Completion (as applicable) from the Competent Authority (as per standard format prescribed by the issuing Authority). For the rest, an Affidavit on a Non-Judicial Stamp Paper/ e-stamp paper of ₹100/-, duly sworn before a First Class Judicial Magistrate or Notary or an Oath Commissioner, that the same shall be produced on completion of the Building.
  5. Fire Safety Certificate issued by the Competent Authority.
  6. Certificate1 issued by an advocate regarding land related documents.
  7. Certificate2 issued by an architect regarding approved building plans.
  8. Certificate3 issued by bank manager regarding financial status of applicant.
  9. A Hard copy of the complete application as uploaded to the AICTE Web-Portal, printed thereon.
  10. A receipt with official seal from the authorized signatory of the State Government/UT as proof of submission of these documents.
  11. A receipt with official seal from the authorized signatory of the affiliating University as proof of submission of these documents exempted for institution apply for PGDM.
  12. Detailed Project Report (DPR) Copy submitted also in pendrive.
  13. Registration document of the Trust / Society / Company / PPP / BOT  indicating its members, objectives and Memorandum of Associations and Rules, duly attested / certified by the concerned Competent Authority.
  14. For standalon PGDM Institutions, details of recommended composition of  Board of Governors of the Institute constituted as per Appendix 18 of APH 2018-19.
  15. In the case of a Company established under Section 8 of Companies Act, 2013, the MoA and Rules must contain a provision that the objective of the Company is not profit making and any surplus earning shall be used exclusively for the purpose of development of Technical Institution.
  16. In case of an application made with a proposal of PPP/ BOT, Applicant shall submit a certified copy/ duly attested by a Gazette Officer of the agreement/ contract regarding PPP/ BOT. The Applicant shall also submit a Certificate or endorsement from the concerned District Magistrate or the SDM, regarding such a proposal pertaining to PPP/ BOT in the said area with the Applicant Trust/ Society/ Company.
  17. Resolution by the Applicant Organization, pertaining to start a Technical Institution or add new Programme (in Pharmacy) and allocation of Land/ Building/ funds to proposed activities in the Format13 prescribed on the Web-Portal.
  18. Documents showing ownership of Land in the name of the Applicant in the form of Registered Sale Deed/ Irrevocable Gift Deed (Registered)/ Irrevocable Registered Government Lease (for a period of minimum 30 years with at least 25 years of live lease at the time of submission of application) by the concerned Competent Authority of Government or any other documents issued by the concerned Competent Authority establishing the ownership and possession of the Land in the name of the Applicant. In case, the Land documents are in vernacular language, notarized English translation of the documents shall be produced.
  19. Land Use Certificate permitting the Land to be used for educational purpose, from the Competent Authority along with Topo sketch/ Village Map indicating Land Survey Numbers and a copy of road map showing location of the proposed site of the Institution.
  20. Land Conversion Certificate permitting the Land to be used for educational purpose to establish a Institution, from the Competent Authority along with Topo sketch/ Village Map indicating Land Survey Numbers and a copy of road map showing location of the proposed site of the Institution.
  21. Khasra Plan (Master Plan) issued by the Competent Authority, earmarking the entire proposed Land to show that the Land is contiguous.
  22. Wherever applicable, FSI/ FAR Certificate shall have been obtained from the Competent Authority as designated by concerned Municipal Corporation or the local authority that approves Building Plans or the State Government/ UT.
  23. Proof of working capital (funds) as stated in Clause 1.9.2 of Chapter I of Approval Process Handbook 2018-19, in the form of either Fixed Deposits in the Bank or latest Bank Statement of Accounts maintained by the Applicant Organization in a Nationalized Bank or Scheduled Commercial Bank recognized by Reserve Bank of India, along with a Certificate issued by the Branch Manager of the Bank.
  24. Audited statement of accounts of the Applicant Organization for last three years, as may be applicable.
  25. Site Plan, Building Plan of proposed Technical Institution prepared by an Architect registered with Council of Architecture (CoA)/ Licensed Surveyor and duly approved by the Competent Plan Sanctioning Authority of the concerned State Government/ UT administration.
  26. Floor Plans, sections and elevations of all proposed/ existing Buildings exclusively intended for use for the proposed Institution at the permanent site with a table clearly mentioning all rooms, with carpet area of each in m2, as specified in Instructional, Administrative and Amenities requirements certified by the Architect registered with the Council of Architecture. Safety and hygiene precautions ensured during partial occupation, if any, certified by the Architect registered with the Council of Architecture.
  27. Phase-wise Plan of construction to achieve total carpet and Built-up area as required for conduct of all applied/ existing Course(s) from the first to final year. This shall be certified by Architect registered with the Council of Architecture.
  28. Proof of the availability of nomenclature of the applied Course(s) in the Affiliating University/ Board.
  29. Certificate regarding Minority Status, if applicable at the time of application. Any claim thereafter shall not be entertained.
  30. Undertaking from the Applicant to the effect that no high tension line is passing through the Campus including hostel. In case high tension line passes through the Campus/ hostel, a Certificate from the Competent Authority (Electricity Board) that it shall not affect the safety of the Building/ students/ Faculty/ Staff etc. is required.

Documents to be submitted at the time of Expert Committee (EVC)

Applicant shall present following supporting documents in original along with one copy, duly attested by a Gazette Officer or a First Class Judicial Magistrate or Notary or an Oath Commissioner and other necessary information to the Expert Visit Committee.

  1. Copy of the advertisement in at least one National Daily, for recruitment of Principal / Director and faculty members.
  2. Stock Register of dead stock items including laboratory equipment, computers, system & application software, printers, office equipments and other dead stock items.
  3. Proof of provision of Internet bandwidth in Mbps and contention ratio.
  4. List giving titles of books and volumes of each purchased for Library.
  5. Copy of Invoice / Cash Memo for equipments and Library Books.
  6. List and details of hard copy of National Journals subscribed.
  7. List and details of hard copy of International Journals subscribed.
  8. Details of subscription of Journals as per Appendix 10 of Approval Process Handbook 2018-19.
  9. Sanction of electrical load by electric supply provider company
  10. A certificate by an architect giving details of sewage disposal system, barrier free environment and toilets created for physically challenged and all weather approach road.
  11. Details and proof of telephone connections available at the proposed Technical Campus
  12. Details and proof about medical facility and counselling arrangements
  13. Details of reprographic facility available for students
  14. Details of all other educational Institutions run by the same society or management or by any other management to which the Chairman of the applicant Society is a member.

Video recording with date and time of the entire proceedings of the Expert Visit Committee Visit, which shall form part of the Expert Visit Committee Report. This shall include a walk through video with date and time of shooting of all Infrastructural facilities created indicating the complete physical Infrastructure/ facilities, highlighting Front and Back side of the entire Institution Building(s) Internal portion of the Classrooms, Tutorial Rooms, Laboratories, Workshop, Drawing Hall, Computer Centre, Library, Reading Room, Seminar Hall and all other rooms, as mentioned in Programme-wise Instructional area requirements, Internal portion of the principal’s room, Board room, main Office, Departmental Offices, Faculty cabins/ seating arrangement and all other rooms as mentioned in Administrative area requirements, Internal portion of toilet facilities, boys and girls common rooms, Cafeteria and all other rooms as mentioned in Amenities area requirements, circulation area details highlighting entrance lobby, passages, escalators, staircases and other common areas.

Documents to be submitted after the issuance of LOA

  1. New Institutions granted Letter of Approval and the existing Institutions granted approval for introduction of new course/s division/s program/s second shift and change in intake capacity, shall comply with appointment of teaching staff and Principal/Director as the case may be, as per policy regarding minimum qualifications pay scale etc, norms prescribed by the Council and other technical supporting staff & administrative staff as per the schedule prescribed in the approval process hand book.
  2. Institutions other than minority Institutions shall appoint teaching staff / Principal / Director and other technical supporting staff and administrative staff strictly in accordance with the methods and procedures of the concerned affiliating University particularly in case of selection procedures and selection committees.
  3. The information about these appointments of staff in the prescribed Format shall be submitted to the concerned Regional Office.
  4. In no circumstances unless the appointment of all teaching and other staff is in place, the Institutes shall start the approved Technical Courses.
  5. Faculty and non-teaching staff data shall be entered as per the prescribed Format.

The applicant can submit his application online through the payment gateway on the AICTE Web-Portal A unique User ID is allotted to each new applicant on payment of Rs. 5000/-. Using this ID, the applicant can upload the application on the portal in the prescribed format.

The fee structure as per APH2018-19 is as follows:

  1. Minority Institution- 6.0 lakhs
  2. Institution setup in J7K, North Eastern State- 6.0 lakhs
  3. Institution set up exclusively for women- 6 lakhs
  4. All other Institutions 8.0 lakhs
  5. Government / Government aided / Central University / State University- Nil
  6. All applicant under (i) (ii)(iii)(v) whose application was rejected and issued LoR- 3.0 lakhs

Consultancy Group gives you the right guidance on how you should go about while applying to AICTE for approval to set up your technical institute. We have been successful in procuring approval from AICTE for many reputed colleges in India. Get in touch with our expert advisors to find out how. For more details, you can write to us [email protected].

After you complete the basic requirement for a Degree, Diploma, now it is time for documentation. You have to fill an application form, applying for a new technical institute. If you have sufficient resources, you can do the process on your own or else online application is part of our services for new technical institute. The process is long and exhausting; it requires a lot of patience and requires a heap of expertise in doing it. The toughest challenge is to solve queries and reinitiate the application process.

After you are through with the online application, now it’s time for scheduling an appointment expert visit commity for inspection. This can also be a repetitive process where an unsatisfied inspection officer may reschedule the inspection. Our services will ensure that you satisfy all the norms for an ideal degree, diploma college. Our service will also ensure that your efforts and investment will get successful results.

You can save a lot on money, time and efforts by hiring us. For any further assistance regarding a new engineering and technology, you can call us or drop a mail. We will forward you the consultancy charge and other relevant details.

Our services include the following:

  • Site layout planning for New Institutions
  • Planning for staff hiring in New Institutions
  • Helping you with the interior of New Institutions
  • Buying Tools and Machines for New Institutions
  • Guidance related to Expert visit commitee inspection
  • Marketing and administration guidance
  • Online Application submission
  • Documantation and annexure file ready
  • Guidelines for affiliation
  • Extantion of approval

Our extensive services will solve all your doubts and help in all the stages of starting a new degree, diploma and ITI. Now you can start a new institution in anywhere with full confidence.

Technical Institution shall satisfy the Land norms given in Approval Process Handbook 2018-19.


Diploma/Post Diploma
Under Graduate Program
Mega/ Metro*
Mega/ Metro*
Engineering & Technology
b. Planning
Applied Arts & Crafts
Hotel Management & Catering